Public Projects

In partnership with the Bureau of Reclamation, Wildfire Services Group is creating and maintaining 1,230 acres of shaded fuel break in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) of the Auburn State Recreation Area, along the American Canyon rim of the communities of Applegate, Monte Verde Estates, Auburn, King Hill, Todd Valley, Georgetown-Greenwood, Auburn Lake Trails, and Cool-Pilot Hill in Placer and El Dorado Counties, California. This fuels reduction project focuses on building a shaded fuel break between neighborhoods and federal lands. The intent is to modify fire behavior and increase the probability of success for fire suppression activities. After the treatment of these priority areas, the maintenance of the existing fuel break will include mechanical work, hand work, and prescribed grazing.

Auburn, CA

Auburn Project Lands: Fuel Management

Van Norden Meadow: Restoration

Donner Pass, CA

Wildfire Services Group is currently working on the restoration of the Van Norden Meadow, an important 485-acre meadow at the headwaters of the South Yuba River in partnership with South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL), the Tahoe National Forest (USFS), the Truckee Donner Land Trust (TDLT), and others. The goal of the restoration is to enhance ecological and hydrologic function, increase groundwater levels, increase summer base flows, improve water quality, increase carbon storage, improve meadow habitat for a variety of wildlife species, and improve formalized recreation opportunities.

Our friends at SYRCL believe that ‘the project will also contribute to the overall resiliency of the headwaters of the South Yuba River in a changing climate and will lead to a greater scientific understanding of meadow processes which will then be applied to meadows and headwater streams across the Sierra region.

WSG is hard at work using adaptive management techniques, such as installing sedge mats, willow stakes, and fascines. In order to achieve these goals.

Wildfire Services Group is working with our neighbors in Sonoma and Napa to assess wildfire risk to their properties. Please click the links below to complete a survey. See if you qualify for a free fire risk assessment .

Cloverdale Fire Protection District

Community Wildfire Protection Plan

The Cloverdale Fire Protection District’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) was developed in accordance with the Healthy Forests Restoration Act. The plan was developed collaboratively among community stakeholders including federal, state, local, and private landowners and the Cloverdale Fire Protection District (CFPD). The plan includes a prioritized list of hazardous fuel reduction strategies and addresses measures that community members can take to reduce structural ignitability and make their properties and homes more fire resilient.

Healdsburg Fire Department

Community Wildfire Protection Plan

The Healdsburg Fire Department brought together diverse local interests to develop a course of action to mitigate wildfire threat and enhance the protection of assets from wildfire. The 2003 Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA), recommends three minimum requirements for a CWPP, including:

Collaboration – A CWPP must be collaboratively developed by local, state, and federal stakeholders, as well as residents and other interested parties.

Prioritized Fuel Reduction - a CWPP must identify and prioritize areas for hazardous fuel reduction treatments on both federal and non-federal land and recommend the types and methods of treatment that, if completed, would reduce the risk to the community.

Treatment of Structural Ignitability - a CWPP must recommend measures that homeowners and communities can take to reduce the ignitability of structures throughout the area addressed by the plan.