Our Services

Structure Hardening

Structure Hardening is the process of retrofitting and adding defensive structural upgrades to the most vulnerable parts of your home or business through protecting ventilation access points such as foundation, eave and gable vents from the risk of ember intrusion. Other important mitigation measures include preparing ember accumulation points by installing gutter guards, affixing hardie board barriers around dead spaces and applying fire preventive caulk to seal gaps in a structure. In addition, modifying fencing / gates with metal flashing creates a barrier to stop a fence from acting as an ignition chain and leading wildfire directly to the home. Lastly, ensuring that exposed wood, siding and decking are class A material or treated with a fire preventative additive is another added measure of wildfire preparation.

  • Gutter Guards

    ​​Gutters can collect debris such as leaves and pine needles, especially from nearby or overhanging trees. If those dry leaves in your gutters come into contact with embers it can quickly ignite into a fire and quickly spread. Selecting the right fire-resistant gutter guards can help you protect your home during wildfire season.

  • Foundation Vents

    Foundation vents sit at the base of the home just above the ground, providing critical ventilation leading to moisture evaporation in the crawlspace, cellar, or basement. Dangerous embers that travel with a fire can get blown into the home through the vents, potentially causing the home to burn from the inside out. Ember Resistant Vents are designed to keep those embers out. Leaving you and your home more safe.

  • Soffit Vents

    Vents on homes create openings for flying embers. Ember entry through vents can result in ignition of combustible materials in the attic, and result in a building burning from the inside out. Our fire plug vents help prevent the possibility of a house fire to occur.

  • Fire Retardant Paint

    Fire retardant paint reduces flammability and combustion of building materials it coats. It does not prevent fires from occurring, but delays the expansion of fires. Fire retardant paints are most frequently used to provide fire resistance in large scale industrial spaces, public buildings and facilities, or on new builds.